Professor Dr. Crawford has been an Academic in the
following UK Universities:
University of London (Royal Holloway), as Research
University of Greenwich (Business School), as Senior
Lecturer (Associate Professor), in Organisational
Behaviour and Human Resource Management;
University of Wolverhampton, (Wolverhampton Business
School), as Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), in
Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management;
London Southbank University (Business School), as
Lecturer and Unit Leader.
His responsibilities in these roles included:
Doctoral Research Supervisor;
Admissions Tutor;
Postgraduate and Undergraduate Dissertation Supervisor;
Programme Leader;
Personal Tutor.
Whom This Course is Designed
This Course is Designed For:
Assistant Provosts;
Associate Professors;
Course Leaders;
Higher Education Administration Lecturers;
Higher Education
Administration Team Leaders;
Higher Education Administrative Line
Higher Education Administrative Middle Managers;
Higher Education Administrative Team Leaders;
Higher Education Executive Managers;
Higher Education
General Managers;
Higher Education Office Managers;
Higher Education
Organisational Improvement Specialists;
Higher Education Senior Administrators;
Programme Leaders;
Public Sector Individuals with a genuine interest in Issues
associated with University and Higher Education
Senior University Administrators;
University Administration Lecturers;
Administrative Line Supervisors;
University Administrative Middle Managers;
University Administrative Team Leaders;
University Administrators;
University Executive
University General Managers;
University Office Managers;
Organisational Development Specialists;
University Professors;
University Provosts;
All others who are desirous of enhancing their knowledge
and expertise in University and Higher Education
Duration and Cost: |
In-Venues Duration: |
15 Days |
In-Venues Cost: |
Per Delegate |
Group Cost: |
Varies With Group Size |
Group Residential Cost: |
Up To 86% Discount, Based on Numbers. |
Online Synchronous
Duration and Cost |
Online Duration: |
Days @ 3 Hours Per Day |
Online Cost: |
£10,050.00 Per Delegate |
Daily Schedule: 9:30 to 4:30 pm.
Delivery Locations:
Central London, UK;
Dubai, UAE;
Kuala Lumpur,
Amsterdam, The
Brussels, Belgium;
Paris, France; and
Durban, South Africa;
Other International
Locations, on request.
Course #027
Course Objectives
By the conclusion of the specified learning and development
activities, delegates will be able to:
Address key issues in The Management of Quality.
Address queries from Student Sponsors;
Address Student Telephone Queries;
Administer University and Higher Education Grading System;
Adopt appropriate
strategies for dealing with interruptions;
Adopt different approaches in delegating;
Adopt effective
delegation techniques;
Amending Student Records;
Analyse how delegation contributes towards effective time
Analyse the concept of leasing in relation to
Apply the ‘equity’
theory to work situation from a ‘differentiation
perspective’, rather than an ‘equality perspective’;
Apply the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) to time
management issues;
Appoint Chief Examiners;
Appoint Recruitment Agents;
Appreciate the
importance of time management;
Arrange External Examiners’ Fees;
Arrange Meetings of Internal Examination Boards;
Arrange Script Markings;
Arrange Student Resits;
Arrange Viva Voce (Examinations);
Ascertain how to work
with disorganised colleagues;
Ascertain the concept of delegation;
Ascertain the importance of delegating tasks;
Ascertain the possible causes and effects of meeting
mismanagement; and
Ascertain the relationship between an incumbent’s
experience and role enactment;
Ascertain their
respective goals/objectives;
Assess Applicants’ References;
Assign appropriate Induction Roles to Administrative Staff;
Assign Dissertation Supervisors;
Assign Thesis Supervisors;
Assigning Student Email Accounts;
Classify Examination Result;
Compliance with Data Protection Requirement for Student Record;
Comply with Data Protection Requirement for Student Academic
Conduct student Interviews;
Coordinate Dissertation Marking;
Create an effective
agenda that will keep meetings on track;
Create Student Academic Records;
Deal with Exemptions;
Deal with Extenuating Circumstances;
Decide which items can be delegated;
Define objectives, generally;
Define planning;
Demonstrate a heightened understanding of how best to support
delegatees in their task performance;
Demonstrate an
understanding of the concept of multitasking;
Demonstrate an
understanding of the difference between important and
urgent activities/works;
Demonstrate an
understanding of the underlying principles of “time” in
an organisational wide context;
Demonstrate their ability to maintaining Student Record System
Demonstrate their ability to manage student records, effectively;
Demonstrate their understanding of how effective delegation is
Demonstrate their
understanding of the step-by-step process in making
effective schedule;
Design and Assign Induction Roles to Academic Staff;
Determine how efficient time management increases work
effectiveness and productivity;
Determine how goal
setting can lead to effective time management;
Determine how to provide support even when the task is
overwhelming for the delegatee;
Determine the benefits of delegating, thereby encouraging them to
perform delegation whenever necessary;
Determine the most important issues that a Student Induction
Programme should address;
Determine the requisites for delegation to avoid any problem
during the process;
Determine when delegation is not advisable;
Develop a personal
approach in using their time in the most productive way;
Develop and maintain
a good time management habit;
Develop their own individualised plan of
maximise their use of time;
Develop their personal “To-Do List;”
Develop their
personal ABC123 prioritised planning;
Develop useful techniques for setting and achieving
Develop ways to maximise their personal effectiveness;
Devise an organized and systematic schedule and handle
it properly;
Devise the most appropriate methods of ensuring that a high
degree of confidentiality is maintained, with respect to
Students’ Records;
Devise their personal
Devise ways to
avoiding time crunches;
Direct the management of Undergraduate Examinations;
Discuss how most
managers apportioned their time;
Discuss how to manage
their workloads more effectively;
Discuss POSEC Method
in relation to time management;
Discuss the importance of delegation in increasing
productivity and workflow;
Distinguish the underlying concepts of delegating, empowerment
and decentralization;
Effectively communicate with External Examiners;
Elucidate the concerns of managers in delegating;
Employ some tools for effective delegating.
Ensure the security of Examination Scripts;
Enumerate the
benefits of effective time management;
Enumerate the
different time management tips for managers;
Enumerate the factors influencing effective delegation;
Enumerate the factors influencing effective delegation;
Establish the relationship between delegation and external
Establish the right environment for successful delegation;
Evaluate the performance of the person with whom the job was
delegated and the result of the completed assignment;
Exhibit their knowledge of the situations when delegating is
effectively executed;
Explain at least 3 reasons for delegating;
Explain the concept
of Eisenhower method;
Express familiarity with the concepts of responsibility,
authority and accountability as they relate to
Facilitate Meetings of External Examination Boards;
Factor Extenuating Circumstances in Student Grades;
Gain a balance between professional goals and personal
Generate Student Reports;
Handle Staff Queries, pertaining to students;
Host External
Examiners’ Visits;
Identify the concerns of managers in delegating;
Identify the difference between delegating authority and
Identify the different meeting menaces and learn how to
deal with them;
Identify the tasks which can be delegated;
Identify their
professional goals and personal time;
Identify time bandits and devise strategies for dealing
with them;
Identify time wasters and adopt strategies for eliminating them;
Illustrate how to utilize their gap times;
Illustrate their knowledge of how to determine the
skills required for the delegated task;
Implement techniques for minimising disruptions;
Indicate how to address problems in delegation;
Indicate how to effectively delegate task;
Indicate how to maintain their responsibility;
Influence the ‘Snowballing Effect’ in Student
Record of External Examiners;
Liaise with Admission Tutors, to maintain data
Liaise with Course Tutors;
a major contribution to the establishment of an
effective Examination Policy;
Academic Record Entries on Student Academic Files;
Amendments Dictated by External Examinations;
Manage In-person Student Registration
Manage Modular or Subject Examination Boards;
Manage Online Student Registration;
Manage Programme or Course Examination Boards;
Manage Student Assignments;
Manage Student Projects;
Meet tight deadlines with time to spare;
Monitor progress and provide feedback about the
delegated assignment;
Monitor the Payment of External Examiners’ Fees;
Monitoring Student Attendance;
Observe General Confidentiality on Students’ Academic
Organise and Manage Student Induction;
Organise Student Recruitment Road Shows
a leading role in the management of Postgraduate
Prepare Academic Transcripts;
Prioritise ‘urgent’ and ‘important’ activities;
Quality Assure Electronic Marking System;
Realise the importance of agenda;
Realise the importance of goals;
Recognise the variety of causes of procrastination and apply
relevant techniques to overcome them;
Recruit Student Recruitment Agents;
Reduce time spent in meetings yet contribute more
Release Student Examination Result in an appropriate and
confidential manner;
Request Applicants’ References;
Resolve Agents’ Remuneration;
Review Examination Papers;
Sample Electronic Marking Results;
Schedule Examination Invigilators;
Schedule Postgraduate Examinations;
Schedule Undergraduate Examinations;
Select Examination Invigilators;
Select Student Recruitment Agents;
Select Thesis Examination Panels;
parameters in delegating a task;
Set realistic goals through SMART method;
up a discussion when about task delegation;
Solve problems through the trading game scenario;
Specify and explain the four D’s in time management;
Specify the effects of poor time management;
Specify the steps for running productive and effective
Stage National and International Road Shows;
Suggest how authority might be delegated effectively;
Suggest how to handle interruptions constructively;
Suggest the difference between being “busy” and
Suggest the strategies for handling descent from
Supervise Examination Paper Preparation;
accurate Minutes at Examination Boards;
Actions Relating to Decisions of Examination Boards;
appropriate measures to secure Examination Papers;
Teach delegation skills to team leaders;
Update Student Record System (SRS; SITS), without
negatively affecting data integrity;
Use effective delegation techniques at the workplace;
some techniques in improving delegating skills;
Utilise Events’ Marketing to promote their Universities
and Higher Education Institutions;
Utilise Social Media in Student Recruitment;
Verify Applicants’ Qualifications.
Course Contents, Concepts, and Issues
Part 1 - Student Records Administration
Managing Student Records;
Assigning Student Email Accounts;
Monitoring Student Attendance;
Addressing Student Telephone Queries;
Amending Student Records;
Dealing with Queries From Student Sponsors;
Generating Student Reports;
Handling Staff Queries, Relating to Students;
Liaising with Admission Tutors;
Observing General Confidentiality on Students’ Records;
Compliance with Data Protection Requirement for Student
Maintaining Student Record System (SRS; SITS);
Updating Student Record System (SRS; SITS);
Part 2 – Scheduling and Managing Examinations
Establishing Examination Policy;
Managing Undergraduate Examinations;
Managing Postgraduate Examinations;
Scheduling Undergraduate Examinations;
Supervising Examination Paper Preparation;
Assigning Dissertation Supervisors;
Assigning Thesis Supervisors;
Selecting Examination Invigilators;
Managing Student Assignments;
Managing Student Projects;
Arranging Student Resits;
Appointing Chief Examiners;
Scheduling Examination Invigilators;
Security of Examination Scripts;
Security of Examination Papers;
Reviewing Examination Papers;
Scheduling Postgraduate Examinations;
Arranging Viva Voce (Examinations);
Coordinating Dissertation Marking;
Selecting Thesis Examination Panels;
Arranging Script Markings;
Part 3 – Student Academic Record Administration (1)
Creating Student Academic Record;
Making Academic Record Entries on Student Academic
Liaising with Course Tutors;
Taking Actions Relating to Decisions of Examination
Making Amendments Dictated by External Examinations;
Keeping Record of External Examiners;
Communicating with External Examiners;
Managing Modular or Subject Examination Boards;
Managing Programme or Course Examination Boards;
Minuting Examination Boards;
Hosting External Examiners’ Visits;
Arranging External Examiners’ Fees;
Monitoring of Payment of External Examiners’ Fees.
Part 4 – Student Academic Record Administration (2)
Arranging Meetings of Internal Examination Boards;
Facilitating Meetings of External Examination Boards;
Releasing Student Examination Results;
Observing General Confidentiality on Students’ Academic Record;
Compliance with Data Protection Requirement for Student Academic
Preparing Academic Transcript;
Dealing with Exemptions;
Dealing with Extenuating Circumstances;
Factoring Extenuating Circumstances in Student Grades;
Administering University and Higher Education Grading System;
Preparing Student Marks For Internal and External Examination
Examination Result Classification;
Sampling Electronic Marking Results;
Quality Assuring Electronic Marking System;
Part 5 - Student Recruitment and Admission
Recruiting Recruitment Agents;
Selecting Recruitment Agents;
Appointing Recruitment Agents;
Organising Road Shows
Staging Road Shows;
Agents’ Remuneration;
Event’s Marketing;
Utilising Social Media in Student Recruitment;
Snowballing’ in Student Recruitment;
Conducting student Interviews;
Verifying Applicants’ Qualifications;
Requesting Applicants’ References;
Assessing Applicants’ References.
Part 6 - Student Registration and Induction
Managing In-person Student Registration
Managing Online Student Registration;
Organising and Managing Student Induction;
Important Induction Elements;
Designing and Assigning Induction Roles to Academic Staff;
Assigning Induction Roles to Administrative Staff;
Making Induction an Enjoyable Activity;
Contextualising Induction;
Involving Current Students in the Induction Process;
Creating Module-Taster Sessions in Induction;
Creating a Homey Atmosphere at Induction Sessions;
Pertinent Issues For Inclusion in Induction;
Venue Suitability for Induction;
Technology-Mediated Induction.
Part 7 – Delegation For University and Higher Education
A Working Definition of Delegation;
The Concept of ‘Leasing’;
Why Delegate?;
How Managers Benefit from Delegating;
How Subordinates Benefits from Being the Recipient of a Delegated
Managerial Concerns about Delegating;
Delegating Authority for Effective Task Performance;
Delegating Responsibility with Delegated Task;
Factors Influencing Effective Delegation;
Delectation in a Time Management Context.
Part 8 – Supporting Delegatees For Effective
Authority: Facet #2;
Delegatee Autonomy VS Managerial Control;
Releasing Control, without Relinquishing Responsibility;
The Emergent New Dimension of ‘Supervision’;
Scheduled ‘Supervision’;
Unscheduled ‘Supervision’;
Delegation Resourcing Requirements;
Conflict Resolution Mechanism.
Part 9 – Monitoring and Enhancing Delegatees’
Establishing performance Standards;
Monitoring Progress and Providing General Feedback about the
Delegated Assignment;
Addressing Target Progress;
Addressing Predetermined Problems in Delegated Task;
Evaluating Delegatee’s Role Performance.
Maintaining Authority Facet #1;
Determining Delegatee’s Training Needs: