University & Higher Education Administration PG Course

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Course #027. University and Higher Education Administration Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in University and Higher Education Administration, Triple-Credit, 90 Credit-Hours, Accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 90 additional Credit-Hours, or a Postgraduate Diploma, with 270 Additional Credit-Hours Click To Download the PDF Brochure for this Course

Doctor of Philosophy {(PhD) {University College London (UCL) - University of London)};

MEd Management (University of Bath);

Postgraduate (Advanced) Diploma Science Teacher Ed. (University of Bristol);

Postgraduate Certificate in Information Systems (University of West London, formerly Thames Valley University);

Diploma in Doctoral Research Supervision, (University of Wolverhampton);

Teaching Certificate;

Fellow of the Institute of Management Specialists;

Human Resources Specialist, of the Institute of Management Specialists;

Member of the Asian Academy of Management (MAAM);

Member of the International Society of Gesture Studies (MISGS);

Member of the Standing Council for Organisational Symbolism (MSCOS);

Member of ResearchGate;

Executive Member of Academy of Management (AOM). There, his contribution incorporates the judging of competitions, review of journal articles, and guiding the development of conference papers. He also contributes to the Disciplines of:

Human Resources;

Organization and Management Theory;

Organization Development and Change;

Research Methods;

Conflict Management;

Organizational Behavior;

Management Consulting;

Gender & Diversity in Organizations; and

Critical Management Studies.

Professor Dr. Crawford has been an Academic in the following UK Universities:

University of London (Royal Holloway), as Research Tutor;

University of Greenwich (Business School), as Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management;

University of Wolverhampton, (Wolverhampton Business School), as Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management;

London Southbank University (Business School), as Lecturer and Unit Leader.

His responsibilities in these roles included:

Doctoral Research Supervisor;

Admissions Tutor;

Postgraduate and Undergraduate Dissertation Supervisor;

Programme Leader;

Personal Tutor.


For Whom This Course is Designed

This Course is Designed For:

Assistant Provosts;

Associate Professors;

Course Leaders;

Higher Education Administration Lecturers;

Higher Education Administration Team Leaders;

Higher Education Administrative Line Supervisors;

Higher Education Administrative Middle Managers;

Higher Education Administrative Team Leaders;

Higher Education Executive Managers;

Higher Education General Managers;

Higher Education Office Managers;

Higher Education Organisational Improvement Specialists;

Higher Education Senior Administrators;

Programme Leaders;

Public Sector Individuals with a genuine interest in Issues associated with University and Higher Education Administration;

Senior University Administrators;

University Administration Lecturers;

University Administrative Line Supervisors;

University Administrative Middle Managers;

University Administrative Team Leaders;

University Administrators;

University Executive Directors;

University General Managers;

University Office Managers;

University Organisational Development Specialists;

University Professors;

University Provosts;

All others who are desirous of enhancing their knowledge and expertise in University and Higher Education Administration. 

In-Venues Duration and Cost:

In-Venues Duration:

15 Days

In-Venues Cost:

£15,000.00 Per Delegate

Group Cost:

Varies With Group Size

Group Residential Cost:

Up To 86% Discount, Based on Numbers.

Online Synchronous (Video-Enhanced) Duration and Cost

Online Duration:

30 Days @ 3 Hours Per Day

Online Cost:

£10,050.00 Per Delegate


Daily Schedule: 9:30 to 4:30 pm.


Delivery Locations: 

Central London, UK;

Dubai, UAE;

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;

Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

Brussels, Belgium;

Paris, France; and

Durban, South Africa;

Other International Locations, on request.

Course #027

Course Objectives

By the conclusion of the specified learning and development activities, delegates will be able to:

Address key issues in The Management of Quality.

Address queries from Student Sponsors;

Address Student Telephone Queries;

Administer University and Higher Education Grading System;

Adopt appropriate strategies for dealing with interruptions;

Adopt different approaches in delegating;

Adopt effective delegation techniques;

Amending Student Records;

Analyse how delegation contributes towards effective time management;

Analyse the concept of leasing in relation to delegating;

Apply the ‘equity’ theory to work situation from a ‘differentiation perspective’, rather than an ‘equality perspective’;

Apply the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) to time management issues;

Appoint Chief Examiners;

Appoint Recruitment Agents;

Appreciate the importance of time management;

Arrange External Examiners’ Fees;

Arrange Meetings of Internal Examination Boards;

Arrange Script Markings;

Arrange Student Resits;

Arrange Viva Voce (Examinations);

Ascertain how to work with disorganised colleagues;

Ascertain the concept of delegation;

Ascertain the importance of delegating tasks;

Ascertain the possible causes and effects of meeting mismanagement; and

Ascertain the relationship between an incumbent’s experience and role enactment;

Ascertain their respective goals/objectives;

Assess Applicants’ References;

Assign appropriate Induction Roles to Administrative Staff;

Assign Dissertation Supervisors;

Assign Thesis Supervisors;

Assigning Student Email Accounts;

Classify Examination Result;

Compliance with Data Protection Requirement for Student Record;

Comply with Data Protection Requirement for Student Academic Record;

Conduct student Interviews;

Coordinate Dissertation Marking;

Create an effective agenda that will keep meetings on track;

Create Student Academic Records;

Deal with Exemptions;

Deal with Extenuating Circumstances;

Decide which items can be delegated;

Define objectives, generally;

Define planning;

Demonstrate a heightened understanding of how best to support delegatees in their task performance;

Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of multitasking;

Demonstrate an understanding of the difference between important and urgent activities/works;

Demonstrate an understanding of the underlying principles of “time” in an organisational wide context;

Demonstrate their ability to maintaining Student Record System (SRS; SITS);

Demonstrate their ability to manage student records, effectively;

Demonstrate their understanding of how effective delegation is performed;

Demonstrate their understanding of the step-by-step process in making effective schedule;

Design and Assign Induction Roles to Academic Staff;

Determine how efficient time management increases work effectiveness and productivity;

Determine how goal setting can lead to effective time management;

Determine how to provide support even when the task is overwhelming for the delegatee;

Determine the benefits of delegating, thereby encouraging them to perform delegation whenever necessary;

Determine the most important issues that a Student Induction Programme should address;

Determine the requisites for delegation to avoid any problem during the process;

Determine when delegation is not advisable;

Develop a personal approach in using their time in the most productive way;

Develop and maintain a good time management habit;

Develop their own individualised plan of maximise their use of time;

Develop their personal “To-Do List;”

Develop their personal ABC123 prioritised planning;

Develop useful techniques for setting and achieving goals;

Develop ways to maximise their personal effectiveness;

Devise an organized and systematic schedule and handle it properly;

Devise the most appropriate methods of ensuring that a high degree of confidentiality is maintained, with respect to Students’ Records;

Devise their personal planner;

Devise ways to avoiding time crunches;

Direct the management of Undergraduate Examinations;

Discuss how most managers apportioned their time;

Discuss how to manage their workloads more effectively;

Discuss POSEC Method in relation to time management;

Discuss the importance of delegation in increasing productivity and workflow;

Distinguish the underlying concepts of delegating, empowerment and decentralization;

Effectively communicate with External Examiners;

Elucidate the concerns of managers in delegating;

Employ some tools for effective delegating.

Ensure the security of Examination Scripts;

Enumerate the benefits of effective time management;

Enumerate the different time management tips for managers;

Enumerate the factors influencing effective delegation;

Enumerate the factors influencing effective delegation;

Establish the relationship between delegation and external candidature;

Establish the right environment for successful delegation;

Evaluate the performance of the person with whom the job was delegated and the result of the completed assignment;

Exhibit their knowledge of the situations when delegating is effectively executed;

Explain at least 3 reasons for delegating;

Explain the concept of Eisenhower method;

Express familiarity with the concepts of responsibility, authority and accountability as they relate to delegation;

Facilitate Meetings of External Examination Boards;

Factor Extenuating Circumstances in Student Grades;

Gain a balance between professional goals and personal time;

Generate Student Reports;

Handle Staff Queries, pertaining to students;

Host External Examiners’ Visits;

Identify the concerns of managers in delegating;

Identify the difference between delegating authority and task;

Identify the different meeting menaces and learn how to deal with them;

Identify the tasks which can be delegated;

Identify their professional goals and personal time;

Identify time bandits and devise strategies for dealing with them;

Identify time wasters and adopt strategies for eliminating them;

Illustrate how to utilize their gap times;

Illustrate their knowledge of how to determine the skills required for the delegated task;

Implement techniques for minimising disruptions;

Indicate how to address problems in delegation;

Indicate how to effectively delegate task;

Indicate how to maintain their responsibility;

Influence the ‘Snowballing Effect’ in Student Recruitment;

Keep Record of External Examiners;

Liaise with Admission Tutors, to maintain data integrity;

Liaise with Course Tutors;

Make a major contribution to the establishment of an effective Examination Policy;

Make Academic Record Entries on Student Academic Files;

Make Amendments Dictated by External Examinations;

Manage In-person Student Registration

Manage Modular or Subject Examination Boards;

Manage Online Student Registration;

Manage Programme or Course Examination Boards;

Manage Student Assignments;

Manage Student Projects;

Meet tight deadlines with time to spare;

Monitor progress and provide feedback about the delegated assignment;

Monitor the Payment of External Examiners’ Fees;

Monitoring Student Attendance;

Observe General Confidentiality on Students’ Academic Record;

Organise and Manage Student Induction;

Organise Student Recruitment Road Shows

Play a leading role in the management of Postgraduate Examinations;

Prepare Academic Transcripts;

Prioritise ‘urgent’ and ‘important’ activities;

Quality Assure Electronic Marking System;

Realise the importance of agenda;

Realise the importance of goals;

Recognise the variety of causes of procrastination and apply relevant techniques to overcome them;

Recruit Student Recruitment Agents;

Reduce time spent in meetings yet contribute more effectively;

Release Student Examination Result in an appropriate and confidential manner;

Request Applicants’ References;

Resolve Agents’ Remuneration;

Review Examination Papers;

Sample Electronic Marking Results;

Schedule Examination Invigilators;

Schedule Postgraduate Examinations;

Schedule Undergraduate Examinations;

Select Examination Invigilators;

Select Student Recruitment Agents;

Select Thesis Examination Panels;

Set parameters in delegating a task;

Set realistic goals through SMART method;

Set up a discussion when about task delegation;

Solve problems through the trading game scenario;

Specify and explain the four D’s in time management;

Specify the effects of poor time management;

Specify the steps for running productive and effective meeting;

Stage National and International Road Shows;

Suggest how authority might be delegated effectively;

Suggest how to handle interruptions constructively;

Suggest the difference between being “busy” and “productive;”

Suggest the strategies for handling descent from delegation;

Supervise Examination Paper Preparation;

Take accurate Minutes at Examination Boards;

Take Actions Relating to Decisions of Examination Boards;

Take appropriate measures to secure Examination Papers;

Teach delegation skills to team leaders;

Update Student Record System (SRS; SITS), without negatively affecting data integrity;

Use effective delegation techniques at the workplace;

Use some techniques in improving delegating skills;

Utilise Events’ Marketing to promote their Universities and Higher Education Institutions;

Utilise Social Media in Student Recruitment;

Verify Applicants’ Qualifications.

Course Contents, Concepts, and Issues

Part 1 - Student Records Administration

Managing Student Records;

Assigning Student Email Accounts;

Monitoring Student Attendance;

Addressing Student Telephone Queries;

Amending Student Records;

Dealing with Queries From Student Sponsors;

Generating Student Reports;

Handling Staff Queries, Relating to Students;

Liaising with Admission Tutors;

Observing General Confidentiality on Students’ Records;

Compliance with Data Protection Requirement for Student Record;

Maintaining Student Record System (SRS; SITS);

Updating Student Record System (SRS; SITS);


Part 2 – Scheduling and Managing Examinations

Establishing Examination Policy;

Managing Undergraduate Examinations;

Managing Postgraduate Examinations;

Scheduling Undergraduate Examinations;

Supervising Examination Paper Preparation;

Assigning Dissertation Supervisors;

Assigning Thesis Supervisors;

Selecting Examination Invigilators;

Managing Student Assignments;

Managing Student Projects;

Arranging Student Resits;

Appointing Chief Examiners;

Scheduling Examination Invigilators;

Security of Examination Scripts;

Security of Examination Papers;

Reviewing Examination Papers;

Scheduling Postgraduate Examinations;

Arranging Viva Voce (Examinations);

Coordinating Dissertation Marking;

Selecting Thesis Examination Panels;

Arranging Script Markings;


Part 3 – Student Academic Record Administration (1)

Creating Student Academic Record;

Making Academic Record Entries on Student Academic Files;

Liaising with Course Tutors;

Taking Actions Relating to Decisions of Examination Boards;

Making Amendments Dictated by External Examinations;

Keeping Record of External Examiners;

Communicating with External Examiners;

Managing Modular or Subject Examination Boards;

Managing Programme or Course Examination Boards;

Minuting Examination Boards;

Hosting External Examiners’ Visits;

Arranging External Examiners’ Fees;

Monitoring of Payment of External Examiners’ Fees.


Part 4 – Student Academic Record Administration (2)

Arranging Meetings of Internal Examination Boards;

Facilitating Meetings of External Examination Boards;

Releasing Student Examination Results;

Observing General Confidentiality on Students’ Academic Record;

Compliance with Data Protection Requirement for Student Academic Record;

Preparing Academic Transcript;

Dealing with Exemptions;

Dealing with Extenuating Circumstances;

Factoring Extenuating Circumstances in Student Grades;

Administering University and Higher Education Grading System;

Preparing Student Marks For Internal and External Examination Boards;

Examination Result Classification;

Sampling Electronic Marking Results;

Quality Assuring Electronic Marking System;


Part 5 - Student Recruitment and Admission

Recruiting Recruitment Agents;

Selecting Recruitment Agents;

Appointing Recruitment Agents;

Organising Road Shows

Staging Road Shows;

Agents’ Remuneration;

Event’s Marketing;

Utilising Social Media in Student Recruitment;

Snowballing’ in Student Recruitment;

Conducting student Interviews;

Verifying Applicants’ Qualifications;

Requesting Applicants’ References;

Assessing Applicants’ References.


Part 6 - Student Registration and Induction

Managing In-person Student Registration

Managing Online Student Registration;

Organising and Managing Student Induction;

Important Induction Elements;

Designing and Assigning Induction Roles to Academic Staff;

Assigning Induction Roles to Administrative Staff;

Making Induction an Enjoyable Activity;

Contextualising Induction;

Involving Current Students in the Induction Process;

Creating Module-Taster Sessions in Induction;

Creating a Homey Atmosphere at Induction Sessions;

Pertinent Issues For Inclusion in Induction;

Venue Suitability for Induction;

Technology-Mediated Induction.


Part 7 – Delegation For University and Higher Education Administrators

A Working Definition of Delegation;

The Concept of ‘Leasing’;

Why Delegate?;

How Managers Benefit from Delegating;

How Subordinates Benefits from Being the Recipient of a Delegated Task;

Managerial Concerns about Delegating;

Delegating Authority for Effective Task Performance;

Delegating Responsibility with Delegated Task;

Factors Influencing Effective Delegation;

Delectation in a Time Management Context.


Part 8 – Supporting Delegatees For Effective Administration

Authority: Facet #2;

Delegatee Autonomy VS Managerial Control;

Releasing Control, without Relinquishing Responsibility;

The Emergent New Dimension of ‘Supervision’;

Scheduled ‘Supervision’;

Unscheduled ‘Supervision’;

Delegation Resourcing Requirements;

Conflict Resolution Mechanism.


Part 9 – Monitoring and Enhancing Delegatees’ Performance

Establishing performance Standards;

Monitoring Progress and Providing General Feedback about the Delegated Assignment;

Addressing Target Progress;

Addressing Predetermined Problems in Delegated Task;

Evaluating Delegatee’s Role Performance.

Maintaining Authority Facet #1;

Determining Delegatee’s Training Needs:

Specified Performance Measurement;


Positive Application of 360 Degree Feedback.

Deciding on Training Programme;

Re-entry and Transfer;

Measuring Training Effectiveness.


Part 10 – Time Management For University and Higher Education Administrators

Time Management Defined;

Time in an Organisational Wide Context: Acting in Time;

The Cost of Time;

Time Management Tools;

Maximising Personal Effectiveness;

Busy vs. Productive;

Time Wasters/Time Robbers/Time Stealers/Time Bandits;

Managing Time Wasters/Time Robbers/Time Stealers/Time Bandits;

Combating Procrastination;

Diffusing the Impact of Others:

Handling Interruptions Constructively;

Asserting Yourself Politely and Calmly;

Conquering Overcommitment ( Learn to say, “No”).


Part 11 – Contextualising Time Management for University and Higher Education Administrators

The Four D’s of Time Management:



Tasks Which Should Be Delegated;

Effective Delegation Techniques;

How to Delegate.



Managing Multiple Task and Deadlines;

Combating Work Related Stress;

Balancing Personal and Professional Life;

Avoiding Time Crunches;

Handling Unexpected Job Emergencies;

Human Multitasking;

Benefits of Effective Time Management;

Effects of Poor Time Management;

Time Management Theories:

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs;

The Pickle Jar Theory;

Pareto Principle or 80/20 Rule;

Eisenhower Method;

POSEC Method.


Part 12 – Goalsetting and Organising For University and Higher Education Administrators

Setting Goals and Objectives:

What You Want to Achieve;

Importance of Goal;

Setting Realistic Goals Through SMART Method;

Techniques for Setting and Achieving Goals.


Management and Planning Tools;

Using a Planner;

Developing Action Plan.

Getting Organised:

Organising Your Workspace, Files and Folders;

E-mail, Task and Calendar Managing;

Information Flow and Retrieval Process;

Information Overload;

Schedule Management:

Scheduling to Create Work/Life Balance;

Creating Dynamic “To-Do List”;

Reducing Mental Clutter.

The Batching Technique;

Utilise Time Gaps;

Effective Follow-up System;

Developing Time Management Habit.


Part 13 – Scheduling and Prioritising For University and Higher Education Administrators


Effective Scheduling;

Steps in Scheduling.


The Prioritisation Grid;

Important vs. Urgent;

Time Management Matrix (Covey’s Four Quadrant Matrix);

To-Do List;

ABC123 Prioritised Planning;

Decision Matrix.

Time Management and Manager:

How Most Managers Apportioned Their Time;

Time Management Tips for Managers;

Effective Resource Management;

Workload Analysis;

Managing Workload;

Managing Disorganised Staffs.


Part 14 – Effective Meeting Management For University and Higher Education Administrators

Meeting Management:

Creating an Effective Agenda;

Importance of Agenda;

Steps For Productive and Effective Meeting;



Reducing Time Spent on Meeting;

Meeting Menaces:

The Waffler;

The Turf Warrior;

The Assassin;

The Dominator;

The Interrupter.

Meeting Mismanagement.

Trading Game Scenario.


University and Higher Education Administration Course, Leading to Postgraduate Diploma in University and Higher Education Administration, Triple-Credit, 90 Credit-Hours, Accumulating to A Postgraduate Certificate, with 90 additional Credit-Hours, or a Postgraduate Diploma, with 270 Additional Credit-Hours.