Advanced Trainer-Training, For Lecturers, Leaders, Managers, Corp. Trainers

Information Graphics for HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute.
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Advanced Trainer-Training, For Lecturers, Leaders, Managers, Corporate Trainers, and Consultants, Postgraduate Course, Leading To Diploma - Postgraduate - in Advanced Trainer-Training, Double-Credit, and Executive Management, Module 6, 72 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 108 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 288 additional Credit-Hours. Click To Download Brochure.

For Whom This Course is Designed Graphics, below which are the list of professionals for whom HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution ( has designed this Postgraduate Course


Academic and Administrative Support Personnel;

Board of Directors;

Business Angels;

Chief Executive Officers (CEOs);

Chief Executives;

Chief Financial Officers (CFOs);

Chief Secretaries;

Company Secretaries;

Computer and Information Systems Managers;



Corporate Executives;

Corporate Managers;

Corporate Trainer;

Data Encoders;

Data Entry Operators;

Departmental Heads;

Development Training Coordinators;

Divisional Heads;

Divisional Heads;


Executive Directors;

Executive Vice Presidents;

External Change Managers;

External Organisational Development Consultants;

Front-end Web Developers;

General Educators;

General Managers;

Higher Education Lecturers;

Further Education Lecturers;

HR Administrative Support;

Human Resource Development (HRD) Practitioners;

Human Resource Directors;

Human Resource Managers;

Human Resource Personnel;

ICT Specialists;

Induction Managers;

Information Technology Directors;

Information Technology Managers;

Internal Change Managers;

Internal Organisational Development Consultants;

Lead Employees who need to excel at designing, developing and delivering successful Training Programmes;

Learning and Development Facilitators;

Lecturers, Generally;

Management Aspirants;

Management Graduates;

Management Information Systems Directors;

Management Lecturers;

Management Trainees;


Managing Directors;

Media Distributor;

Middle Managers;

Movie and TV Directors;

Movie Editor;

Non-Executive Directors;

Organisational Development Practitioners;

Organisational Resource Directors;


Production Managers;

Professional Development Managers;

Professional Trainers;

Programmer Analysts;

Recruitment and Selection Officers;


Retention Officers;

Role Enhancement Officials;


Security Specialists;

Senior Human Resource Management (HRM) Officers;

Senior Managers;

Senior Project Managers;

Senior Resource Managers;

Senior Secretaries;

Senior Security Specialists;

Software Engineers;

Software Quality Assurance Analysts;

Specialist, Professional Learning;


Support Specialists;

System Administrators;

Systems Analysts;

Systems Architects;

Systems Software Engineers;

Team Leaders;

Technical Specialists;

Telecommunications Specialists;

Training and Quality Assurance Coordinators;

Training Managers;

Training Specialist;

University Vice Chancellors;

Vice Presidents;

All others desirous of gaining the needed expertise in Training and Development.


Course Coordinator Graphic2, below which are his name, qualifications and affiliations, who is also the Director of HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution (

Doctor of Philosophy {(PhD) {University College London (UCL) - University of London)};

MEd Management (University of Bath);

Postgraduate (Advanced) Diploma Science Teacher Ed. (University of Bristol);

Postgraduate Certificate in Information Systems (University of West London, formerly Thames Valley University);

Diploma in Doctoral Research Supervision, (University of Wolverhampton);

Teaching Certificate;

Fellow of the Institute of Management Specialists;

Human Resources Specialist, of the Institute of Management Specialists;

Member of the Asian Academy of Management (MAAM);

Member of the International Society of Gesture Studies (MISGS);

Member of the Standing Council for Organisational Symbolism (MSCOS);

Member of ResearchGate;

Executive Member of Academy of Management (AOM). There, his contribution incorporates the judging of competitions, review of journal articles, and guiding the development of conference papers. He also contributes to the Disciplines of:

Human Resources;

Organization and Management Theory;

Organization Development and Change;

Research Methods;

Conflict Management;

Organizational Behavior;

Management Consulting;

Gender & Diversity in Organizations; and

Critical Management Studies.

Professor Dr. Crawford has been an Academic in the following UK Universities:

University of London (Royal Holloway), as Research Tutor;

University of Greenwich (Business School), as Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management;

University of Wolverhampton, (Wolverhampton Business School), as Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management;

London Southbank University (Business School), as Lecturer and Unit Leader.

His responsibilities in these roles included:

Doctoral Research Supervisor;

Admissions Tutor;

Postgraduate and Undergraduate Dissertation Supervisor;

Programme Leader;

Personal Tutor.


He was formerly an Expatriate at:

Ministry of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria;

Ministry of Science and Technical Education, Sokoto, Nigeria;

University of Sokoto, Nigeria;

College of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria; and

Former Editor-In-Chief of ‘Sokoto Journal of Education’.

Graphics, with  Caption, For Course Duration and Cost. Included in the caption are the duration and cost of In-Venues and Online Course Deliveries, for this course, from HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution (
Web Graphics of Cost Inclusion, for “In-Venue Students and Delegates” in attendance at a Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate, or Diploma – Postgraduate Short Course, at HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution (
Large Graphics highlighting Branded Complimentary Products, for Postgraduate Students and Delegates, studying Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma – Postgraduate, and General Diploma, at HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution:
Website Graphics provides a caption stipulating our Scheduled International Course Delivery Locations, noting that other locations and Inhouse Deliveries can also be organised by HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution (
This Website Graphics is a Label for Postgraduate Course Objectives, from HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution ( Below the graphics are the list of objectives that the Delegates, in attendance, are expected to achieve, at the conclusion of the specific learning experience that this organisation provides.

By the conclusion of the specified learning and development activities, delegates will be able to:

Demonstrate their understanding of the theories of learning and memory, crucial to the development and implementation of training programmes;

Demonstrate their awareness of the “Taxonomy of Educational Objectives” and translate them into individual capability and achievements;

Determine the most appropriate way to organise training and development courses;

Exhibit their ability to equip a Training Room for maximum effectiveness, within organisational budget and other constraints;

Design courses that account for individual training needs and learning curve;

Design learning objectives, mindful of what can be realistically achieved - in terms of the experience and motivation of delegates;

Design learning experiences that will ensure that learning;

Meet the objectives - taking account of relevant factors associated with established principles of learning;

Design appropriate delegate activities relevant to the stated learning objectives;

Demonstrate their ability to prepare for and make effective Audio-Visual Presentations;

Demonstrate their ability to conduct individual, team and organisational training needs analysis;

Design evaluation questionnaires for individual courses, training programmes, and presenters;

Design Behavioural Objectives, based on the depth and breadth of the contents, concepts, and issues to be addressed;

Determine when training intervention is necessary;

Link organisational and subsystem Business Strategy to Training and Development Strategy;

Position the training department within organisational corporate structure;

Design appropriate in-course evaluation;

Design appropriate assessments and assessment strategy of award-bearing components of training programmes;

Effectively structure training courses to incorporate formal presentations, delegate activities and evaluation;

Incorporate appropriate 'Icebreaker' and 'Closure' activities that will enhance the effectiveness of individual training courses;

Demonstrate exceptional leadership in the management of the learning environment

Effectively manage commissioning relationships;

Effectively manage a training department.

Demonstrate a high level of competence in using Microsoft PowerPoint;

Demonstrate familiarity with the PowerPoint interface;

Open new and existing presentations;

Create and utilise a master slide;

Distinguish between the various PowerPoint views;

Rearrange slides in the slide sorter view;

View a slideshow on full screen;

Navigate through a presentation;

Add text to slides;

Change the background colour of slides;

Add and delete slides;

Change the slide layout;

Insert Images in Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations;

Add animation to a slide, in Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations;

Add transitions to a slide, in Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations;

Insert hyperlinks, in Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations;

Use action buttons, in Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations;

Use the various print options, in Microsoft PowerPoint;

Hide slides in a presentation, in Microsoft PowerPoint;

End with a blank slide, in Microsoft PowerPoint;

View in kiosk mode, in Microsoft PowerPoint;

Loop a slideshow, in Microsoft PowerPoint;

Select the appropriate background design of a presentation, in Microsoft PowerPoint;

Use effective and relevant images, animations, and transitions in a presentation, in Microsoft PowerPoint;

Create PowerPoint Scripts that portray the information that they intend to disseminate;

Transform PowerPoint Scripts into appealing PowerPoint Presentations;

Stipulate the positive and negative factors affecting  Learning;

Identify the issues that affect Memory, negatively and positively;

Correctly suggest at least 2 factors that have a positive effect on learning and knowledge retention;

Outline the bases of Learning Theories;

Provide at least two examples of Learning Theories;

Explain and exemplify Classical Conditioning;

Provide an explanation, with example, of Operant Conditioning;

Explain Instrumental Conditioning, in a simple but effective manner;

Suggest the importance of Reinforcement, to the Learning Process;

Name some factors necessary for Skill Acquisition;

Explain the concept of Inductive Learning;

Defend the importance of Learning Theories to organisational settings;

Define Learning, establishing its varied contexts;

Outline some factors that might affect learning in an organisational setting;

Define and explain the ‘Learning Curve’:

Outline the factors that are likely to affect an Individual’s Learning Progress;

Provide an accurate explanation of Aptitude, Treatment Intervention (ATI):

Define and explain the issue of Aptitude;

Provide the two prevailing views of Views of ATI:

Explain and exemplify Reinforcement Theory;

Enumerate the ‘Levels of Learning’ proposed by at least two theorists.

Enumerate the relationship between Learning & Worker Motivation;

Enumerate at least three types of Training Interventions;

Discuss the relationship between Training Policy and Organisational or Subsystem Strategy;

Explain the Micro Organisational Development Approach to Training and Development;

Provide some guidance regarding the maintenance of an effective Training and Development Strategy, amidst the organisation’s limited and dwindling resources;

Address the issue of ‘Education & Training for Personal Development’;

Establish positive arguments with respect to the Contribution that Training and Development play in an organisation’s Competitive Advantage or Improved Organisational Functioning.

This Website Graphics is a Label for Postgraduate Course Contents, Concepts, and Issues, from HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution ( Below the graphics are the outline of the Contents, Concepts, and Issues.
This Website Graphics provides details of the information, so far, provided in the Course Brochure, indicating that which will be withheld until Delegates attend the course In-Venues or Online. This is and will be supplied by # HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution (


Part 1. Learning, Memory, and Retention: Positive and Negative Factors.

Part 2. Learning Theories and Their Organisational Applications.

Part 3. Types of Training Interventions.

Part 4. Training Policy and Strategy: Micro Organisational or Macro Organisational Approaches To Employee Training  and Development.

Part 5. Enhancing The Role of The Corporate Trainer, As an Internal Consultant and Organisational Development Specialist.

Part 6. Establishing and Defining Learning Objectives.

Part 7.Contextualising Audio-Visual Presentations

Part 8 Perfecting Audio-Visual Presentation: The Back-Office Work.

Part 9. Information Sequencing For Effective Learning and Reinforcement.

Part 10. Other Important Issues in Creating an Effective Audio-Visual Presentation.

Part 11. Mastering PowerPoint for Audio-Visual Presentations.

Part 12. Additional Points and Guide to Audio-Visual Presentations.

Part 13. Designing PowerPoint Scripts.

Part 14. From Design To PowerPoint Presentation.

Part 15. PowerPoint Transitions, Pen-To-Text, Fonts, and Quick Access..

Part 16. Transitions and Effects in PowerPoint Presentations.

Part 17. Getting On-Stage.

Part 18. Enhancing Your Communication.

Part 19. Averting ‘Stage Fright’ in Audio-Visual Presentations.

Part 20. Addressing Post-Presentation Questions.

Advanced Trainer-Training, For Lecturers, Leaders, Managers, Corporate Trainers, and Consultants, Postgraduate Course, Leading To Diploma - Postgraduate - in Advanced Trainer-Training, Double-Credit, and Executive Management, Module 6, 72 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 108 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 288 additional Credit-Hours. Click To Download Brochure.