Organisational Design, Development & Change, PG Course

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Course Number 244 - Organisational (Organizational) Design, Development and Change: Conceptual, Contextual and Practical Explorations Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate - in Organisational Design, Development and Change, Triple-Credit, 90 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 90 additional Credit-Hours, and Postgraduate Diploma, with 270 additional Credit-Hours.


Course Contents include Social Organisations, Formal Organisations, Organisational Analysis, Internal Accountability, Upward Accountability, Downward Accountability, External Accountability, Accountability To Owners, Accountability To Clients, Accountability To Creditors, Accountability To Sector Or Industry, Accountability To The State,  Traditional Authority, Charismatic Authority, Legitimate Authority, Professional Authority, Organisational Power Sources, Control over information, information flow, Control over uncertainty, Unobtrusive Power, Bases of Delegation, Delegation and Professional Authority, Delegation and Superior-Subordinate Relationship, Organisational Design, Approaches to Organisational Design, Classical Organisational Design, Bases of Classical Organisational Design, Formal authority, Rules & regulations, Max Weber, Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol, Neo-Classical Organisational Design, Neo-Classical Organisational Design, Douglas McGregor, Rensis Likert, Chris Argyris, Scientific Management, Mechanistic Approach to Organisational Design, Human Relations Movement, Humanistic Approach to Organisational Design, Contingency Approaches to Organisational Design, Structure-Environment Match, Organisational Structure for a Stable Environment, Organisational Structure for Changing Environment, Organisational Structure for Turbulent Environment, Organisational Structure and Internal and External Relationships, Levels of Control, Role Specificity, Mechanistic and Organismic Structures, Mechanistic Factory, Organisational Design Features, Vertical Relationships, Organisational Design, Horizontal Relationships, Lines of Authority, Simple Structure, Functional Structure, Divisional Structure, Internal Relationships, Bases of Divisionalisation, Product Divisional Structure, Service Divisional Structure, Geographic or Regional Divisional Structure, Matrix Structure, Divisional Matrix Structure, Functional Matrix Structure, Customised Matrices, Worker Autonomy, Organisation of the Matrix Structure, Designing Organisational Structures.

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Course Number 244 - Organisational Design, Development and Change: Conceptual, Contextual and Practical Explorations Seminar or Course, Leading to – Diploma – Postgraduate – in Organisational Design, Development and Change (Triple Credit).

Course Coordinator Graphic2, below which are his name, qualifications and affiliations, who is also the Director of HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution (

Doctor of Philosophy {(PhD) {University College London (UCL) - University of London)};

MEd Management (University of Bath);

Postgraduate (Advanced) Diploma Science Teacher Ed. (University of Bristol);

Postgraduate Certificate in Information Systems (University of West London, formerly Thames Valley University);

Diploma in Doctoral Research Supervision, (University of Wolverhampton);

Teaching Certificate;

Fellow of the Institute of Management Specialists;

Human Resources Specialist, of the Institute of Management Specialists;

Member of the Asian Academy of Management (MAAM);

Member of the International Society of Gesture Studies (MISGS);

Member of the Standing Council for Organisational Symbolism (MSCOS);

Member of ResearchGate;

Executive Member of Academy of Management (AOM). There, his contribution incorporates the judging of competitions, review of journal articles, and guiding the development of conference papers. He also contributes to the Disciplines of:

Human Resources;

Organization and Management Theory;

Organization Development and Change;

Research Methods;

Conflict Management;

Organizational Behavior;

Management Consulting;

Gender & Diversity in Organizations; and

Critical Management Studies.

Professor Dr. Crawford has been an Academic in the following UK Universities:

University of London (Royal Holloway), as Research Tutor;

University of Greenwich (Business School), as Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management;

University of Wolverhampton, (Wolverhampton Business School), as Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management;

London Southbank University (Business School), as Lecturer and Unit Leader.

His responsibilities in these roles included:

Doctoral Research Supervisor;

Admissions Tutor;

Postgraduate and Undergraduate Dissertation Supervisor;

Programme Leader;

Personal Tutor.

He was formerly an Expatriate at:

Ministry of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria;

Ministry of Science and Technical Education, Sokoto, Nigeria;

University of Sokoto, Nigeria;

College of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria; and

Former Editor-In-Chief of ‘Sokoto Journal of Education’.


For Whom This Course is Designed Graphics, below which are the list of professionals for whom HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution ( has designed this Postgraduate Course

This Course is Designed For:

*       Change Agents;

*       Consultants;

*       Corporate Managers,

*       Department Heads;

*       Executive and Management Development Directors;

*       External Change Agents;

*       External Consultants;

*       External Organisational Improvement Agents;

*       Human Resource Professionals;

*       Internal Change Agents;

*       Internal Consultants;

*       Internal Corporate Consultant;

*       Internal Organisational Improvement Agents;

*       Junior Managers;

*       Junior Managers;.

*       Line Managers and Design Teams;

*       Managers;

*       Middle Managers;

*       Middle Managers;

*       Organisational Change Agents;

*       Organisational Development (OD) Professionals and Practitioners;

*       Organisational Development Specialists;

*       Performance Consultants;

*       Senior Managers;

*       Senior Managers;

*       Supervisor;

*       Those desirous of improving organisational processes effectively;

*       Those desirous of managing the change process effectively;

*       Training and Development Specialists;

*       Anyone who wants to build expertise in organizational design, development and the management of change.`

Course Duration and Cost Graphics

Website Graphics for the inclusions of “In-Venues Cost”, for each Delegate attending a Postgraduate Course at HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution (

Snacks on Event Days;  

Lunch on Event Days;                           

City Tour;             


On-site Internet Access;

Postgraduate Diploma; Postgraduate Certificate; Diploma – Postgraduate; or

Certificate of Attendance and Participation – if unsuccessful on resit

Website Graphics stipulating the possible Branded Complimentary Products that Students and Delegates might receive, while attending a Postgraduate Programme or Postgraduate Course at HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution (

Leather Conference Folder;

Leather Conference Ring Binder/ Writing Pad;

Key Ring/ Chain;

Leather Conference (Computer – Phone) Bag – Black or Brown;

8-16 GB USB Flash Memory Drive, with Course Material;

Branded Metal Pen;

Branded Polo Shirt.; &

Branded Carrier Bag.



Location:  Central London and International Locations 



Course Number 244 - Organisational Design, Development and Change: Conceptual, Contextual and Practical Explorations Seminar or Course, Leading to – Diploma – Postgraduate – in Organisational Design, Development and Change (Triple Credit)


Website Graphics provides a caption stipulating our Scheduled International Course Delivery Locations, noting that other locations and Inhouse Deliveries can also be organised by HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution (
This Website Graphics is a Label for Postgraduate Course Objectives, from HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution ( Below the graphics are the list of objectives that the Delegates, in attendance, are expected to achieve, at the conclusion of the specific learning experience that this organisation provides.

By the conclusion of the specified learning and development activities, delegates will be able to:

*       Appropriately define organisational structure;

*       Assess the importance of effective communication in successful Organisational Development and Change;

*       Determine the different stages of process consultation;

*       Strike a balance between macro organisational development and micro organisational development;

*       Demonstrate their awareness of the relationship between organisational structure and leadership styles, on the one hand, and organisational flexibility, on the other;

*       Chart the value of influence and  rational empirical change strategies in ensuring worker comment to the change process;

*       Demonstrate an awareness of the fundamental issues associated with Organisational design and their implications for effective organisational functioning;

*       Demonstrate an understanding of organisational climate and how it can be gauged;

*       Demonstrate an understanding of organisational development as a process;

*       Demonstrate leadership in the implementation of change, whilst avoiding whilst avoiding Human and Organisational Casualties;

*       Demonstrate the need for a proactive stance in relation to Organisational change;

*       Demonstrate their ability to conduct an Internal environmental analysis—SW;

*       Demonstrate their ability to encourage the type of superior-subordinate relationship which will be conducive to organisational success;

*       Demonstrate their ability to incorporate specified elements of the quality of working life in the management of their subsystems and sections;

*       Demonstrate their awareness of change management and human resource implications;

*       Demonstrate their awareness of the inevitability of organisational change;

*       Design an organisation adhering to the principles of horizontal and vertical relationship;

*       Design measures, which will ensure change institutionalisation;

*       Determine organisational success factors;

*       Determine the factors, which contribute to workers’ resistance to change;

*       Determine the key role that organisational change agent play in driving the process forward;

*       Determine the most appropriate Organisational Change strategy that should be employed in particular change and organisational contexts;

*       Determine the most effective ways of communicating change decisions to workers;

*       Determine the situations when a particular approach might be appropriate;

*       Determine ways of reducing latency in organisational change process;

*       Discuss the co-ordinating mechanism in a simple structure;

*       Distinguish between change strategies and approaches to change;

*       Distinguish between different organisational structures;

*       Distinguish between organismic and mechanistic structures;

*       Distinguish between the basic types of structure;

*       Distinguish between the different types of matrix structures;

*       Establish the symbiotic relationship between Organisational Development and Organisational Change;

*       Exhibit a heightened awareness of the constituents of organisational development;

*       Exhibit their ability to conduct an external environmental analysis—OT;

*       Exhibit their ability to use aspects of quality of working life to motivate workers;

*       Explain the approaches to organisational design;

*       Have managed sensitivity training successfully;

*       Identify an organisational structure from verbal description;

*       Identify horizontal relationships in organisational design;

*       Illustrate communication channels in an organisational chart;

*       Illustrate lines of authority in an organisational chart;

*       Illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy;

*       Illustrate the advantages and drawbacks of group involvement in decisions related to change;

*       Illustrate the effect of organisational structure on communication within an organisation;

*       Illustrate their ability to design an appropriate organisational structure that takes account of contingent internal and external environmental factors;

*       Indicate the importance of vertical and horizontal relationships in organisational design;

*       Manage latent and manifest resistance to change;

*       Match the organisational design approach with the level of development of the organisation;

*       Name the fundamental organisational structures and their variations;

*       Provide examples of different bases of divisional structure;

*       Provide the bases for structural contingencies;

*       Recommend the most appropriate structure for an organisation, taking contingent factors into account;  

*       Show the vertical relationships in an organisational chart;

*       Suggest the approaches which might be adopted in designing an organisation;

*       Suggest the degree to which leadership styles plays a part in affecting the success or failure of the change process;

*       Suggest the efforts, which an organisation might employ to reduce workers’ resistance to change;

*       Synthesize the relationship between Internal and external environmental analyses—SWOT;

*       Translate the positive and negative factors of particular types of structure to the design of an organisation which will enhance the effectiveness of an enterprise.


Course Number 244 - Organisational Design, Development and Change: Conceptual, Contextual and Practical Explorations Seminar or Course, Leading to – Diploma – Postgraduate – in Organisational Design, Development and Change (Triple Credit), Accumulating to a Postgraduate Diploma.

This Website Graphics is a Label for Postgraduate Course Contents, Concepts, and Issues, from HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution ( Below the graphics are the outline of the Contents, Concepts, and Issues.
This Website Graphics provides details of the information, so far, provided in the Course Brochure, indicating that which will be withheld until Delegates attend the course In-Venues or Online. This is and will be supplied by # HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution (


Module 1

Organisational Design


M1. Part 1: Contextualising Organisational Structure

M1. Part 2: Organisational Design: Typologies and Principles

M1. Part 3: Organisational Design Features

M1. Part 4: Organisational Control, Communication and Decision-making in Matrix and Hierarchical Structures

M1. Part 5: Empirical Exploration of Organisational Control, Communication Pattern and Decision-making in Matrix and Hierarchical Structures.

Module 2

Organisational Development

M2. Part 1: Organisational Development in Concept and Context (1)

M2. Part 2: Organisational Development in Concept and Context (2)

M2. Part 3: Improving The Quality of Working Life (1)

M2. Part 4: Improving The Quality of Working Life (2)

Module 3

Organisational Change Management

M3. Part 1: Conceptualising Organisational Change

M3. Part 2: A Contextual Analysis of Organisational Change

M3. Part 3: Change Planning and Implementation

M3. Part 4: Speed and Acceleration: Cases, Cause and Effect


Course Number 244 - Organisational Design, Development and Change: Conceptual, Contextual and Practical Explorations Seminar or Course, Leading to – Diploma – Postgraduate – in Organisational Design, Development and Change (Triple Credit), Accumulating to a Postgraduate Diploma.