Computer Programming Essentials: Web Design, Application 1 & 2, PG Course

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Course #177, Modules 4 & 5, Computer Programming Essentials: Web Design Techniques and Application (1 & 2)

Computer Programming Essentials: Web Design Techniques and Applications (1), Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate in Computer Programming Essentials: Web Design Techniques and Applications (1), Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.


Computer Programming Essentials: Web Design Techniques and Applications (2), Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate in Computer Programming Essentials: Web Design Techniques and Applications (2), Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.

Course Contents include: The Internet, the Web, Web Standards, Web Accessibility, Information on the Web, Web Browsers, Web Servers, Internet Protocols, IP, URL, Uniform Resource Identifiers, Domain Names, HTML, Web Pages, Web Page, Web Page Essentials, HTML Basics, Heading Element, Paragraph Element, Line Break, Horizontal Rule, Block quote Element, Phrase Elements, Ordered List, Unordered List, Description List, Special Entity Characters, HTML Syntax Validation, Structural Elements, Anchor Element.

Doctor of Philosophy {(PhD) {University College London (UCL) - University of London)};

MEd Management (University of Bath);

Postgraduate (Advanced) Diploma Science Teacher Ed. (University of Bristol);

Postgraduate Certificate in Information Systems (University of West London, formerly Thames Valley University);

Diploma in Doctoral Research Supervision, (University of Wolverhampton);

Teaching Certificate;

Fellow of the Institute of Management Specialists;

Human Resources Specialist, of the Institute of Management Specialists;

Member of the Asian Academy of Management (MAAM);

Member of the International Society of Gesture Studies (MISGS);

Member of the Standing Council for Organisational Symbolism (MSCOS);

Member of ResearchGate;

Executive Member of Academy of Management (AOM). There, his contribution incorporates the judging of competitions, review of journal articles, and guiding the development of conference papers. He also contributes to the Disciplines of:

Human Resources;

Organization and Management Theory;

Organization Development and Change;

Research Methods;

Conflict Management;

Organizational Behavior;

Management Consulting;

Gender & Diversity in Organizations; and

Critical Management Studies.

Professor Dr. Crawford has been an Academic in the following UK Universities:

University of London (Royal Holloway), as Research Tutor;

University of Greenwich (Business School), as Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management;

University of Wolverhampton, (Wolverhampton Business School), as Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management;

London Southbank University (Business School), as Lecturer and Unit Leader.

His responsibilities in these roles included:

Doctoral Research Supervisor;

Admissions Tutor;

Postgraduate and Undergraduate Dissertation Supervisor;

Programme Leader;

Personal Tutor.


For Whom This Course is Designed

This Course is Designed For:

Web Designers;

Senior Web Developers;

Junior Web Developers;

Desktop Publishers;

Web Writers;

Web Editors;

Computer Programmers;

Senior Web Designers;

Junior Web Designers;

Assistant Web Designers;

Graphic and Web Designers;

Front End Web Developers;

Front-End CSS Developers;

Associate Web Designer;

I.T Staff;

Those who are interested in Web Designing.

The In-Venues Course cost does not include living accommodation. However, students and delegates are treated to the following:

Free Continuous snacks throughout the Event Days;  

Free Hot Lunch on Event Days;                           

Free City Tour;             

Free Stationery;                               

Free On-site Internet Access;

HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute’s   Diploma – Postgraduate; or

Certificate of Attendance and Participation – if unsuccessful on resit.


Delegates will be Treated to a Selection of Our Branded Complimentary Products, which include:

Leather Conference Folder;

Leather Conference Ring Binder/ Writing Pad;

Key Ring/ Chain;

Leather Conference (Computer – Phone) Bag – Black or Brown;

8-16 GB USB Flash Memory Drive, with Course/ Programme Material;

Metal Pen;

Polo Shirt;

Carrier Bag.

Module 4

Computer Programming Essentials: Web Design Techniques and Application (1)

Computer Programming Essentials: Web Design Techniques and Applications (1), Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate - in Computer Programming Essentials: Web Design Techniques and Applications (1), Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, Accumulating to Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours

#177.M4 In-Venues Duration and Cost:

In-Venues Duration:

10 Days

In-Venues Cost:

£10,00000 Per Delegate

Group Cost:

Varies With Group Size

Group Residential Cost:

Up To 86% Discount, Based on Numbers.

Online Synchronous (Video-Enhanced) Duration and Cost

Online Duration:

20 Days @ 3 Hours Per Day

Online Cost:

£6,700.00 Per Delegate

Course Contents, Concepts and Issues

M4 - Part 1:Web Design Imperatives Introducing HTML (HypertextMark-up Language)

The Internet and the Web;

Web Standards and Accessibility;

Information on the Web;

Web Browsers and Web Servers;

Internet Protocols;

Uniform Resource Identifiers and Domain Names;

HTML Overview;

Under the Hood of a Web Page;

Your First Web Page.


M4 - Part 2: Web Page Essentials: HTML Basics

Heading Element;

Paragraph Element;

Line Break and Horizontal Rule;

Block quote Element;

Phrase Elements;

Ordered List;

Unordered List;

Description List;

Special Entity Characters;

HTML Syntax Validation;

Structural Elements;

Anchor Element;

Practice with Hyperlinks;

EMail Hyperlinks.


M4 - Part 3: Programming: Web Design Essentials

Design for Your Target Audience;

Website Organization;

Principles of Visual Design;

Design to Provide for Accessibility;

Use of Text;

Web Colour Palette;

Use of Colour;

Use of Graphics and Multimedia;

More Design Considerations;

Navigation Design;

Wireframes and Page Layout;

Fixed and Fluid Layouts;

Design for the Mobile Web;

Responsive Web Design;

Web Design Best Practices Checklist.


M4 - Part 4: Web Page Essentials: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

Cascading Style Sheets Overview;

CSS Selectors and Declarations;

CSS Syntax for Color Values;

Configure Inline CSS;

Configure Embedded CSS;

Configure External CSS;

CSS Selectors: Class, Id, and Descendant;

Span Element;

Practice with CSS;

CSS Syntax Validation.


M4 Part 5: Web Graphics Styling Essentials

Web Graphics;

Image Element;

Image Hyperlinks;

Configure Background Images;

Position Background Images;

CSS3 Multiple Background Images;

The Favorites Icon;

Configure List Markers with CSS;

Image Maps. 

Computer Programming Essentials: Web Design Techniques and Application (2)

Computer Programming Essentials: Web Design Techniques and Applications (2), Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate - in Computer Programming Essentials: Web Design Techniques and Applications (2), Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, Accumulating to Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours

#177.M5 In-Venues Duration and Cost:

In-Venues Duration:

10 Days

In-Venues Cost:

£10,00000 Per Delegate

Group Cost:

Varies With Group Size

Group Residential Cost:

Up To 86% Discount, Based on Numbers.

Online Synchronous (Video-Enhanced) Duration and Cost

Online Duration:

20 Days @ 3 Hours Per Day

Online Cost:

£6,700.00 Per Delegate

M5 - Part 1: Web Design Imperatives An Overview of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) (1)

Pertinent Issues in CSS:

Fonts with CSS;

Text Properties with CSS;

Align and Indent Text with CSS;

Width and Height with CSS;

The Box Model;

Margin and Padding with CSS;

Borders with CSS;

CSS3 Rounded Corners;

Center Page Content with CSS;

CSS3 Box Shadow and Text Shadow;

CSS3 Background Clip and Origin;

CSS3 Background Resize and Scale;

CSS3 Opacity;

CSS3 RGBA Color;

CSS3 HSLA Color;

CSS3 Gradients.


M5 - Part 2: Web Design Imperatives An Overview of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) (2)

CSS page Layout:

Normal Flow;


Clear a Float;


CSS Two-Column Page Layout;

Vertical Navigation with an Unordered List;

Horizontal Navigation with an Unordered List;

CSS Interactivity with Pseudo-Classes;

Practice with CSS Two-Column Layout;

Positioning with CSS;

Practice with Positioning;

CSS Sprites.


M5 - Part 3: Dealing with Website Links, Layout and Mobile Compatibility

More on Relative Linking;

Fragment Identifiers;

Figure and Figcaption Elements;

Practice with Floating Figures;

More HTML5 Elements;

HTML5 Compatibility with Older Browsers;

CSS for Print;

Mobile Web Design;

Viewport Meta Tag;

CSS3 Media Queries;

Practice with Media Queries;

Flexible Images;

Testing Mobile Display.


M5 - Part 4: Creating Tables using HTML and CSS Programming for Websites

Table Overview 266;

Table Rows, Cells, and Headers 268;

Span Rows and Columns 270;

Configure an Accessible Table 272;

Style a Table with CSS 274;

CSS3 Structural Pseudo-classes 276;

Configure Table Sections.


M5 - Part 5: Creating Forms using HTML and CSS Programming for Websites

Form Overview 286;

Text Box 288;

Submit Button and Reset Button 290;

Check Box and Radio Button 292;

Hidden Field and Password Box 294;

Textarea Element 296;

Select Element and Option Element 298;

Label Element 300;

Fieldset Element and Legend Element 302;

Style a Form with CSS 304;

Server-Side Processing 306;

Practice with a Form 308;

HTML5 Text Form Controls 310;

HTML5 Datalist Element 312;

HTML5 Slider and Spinner Controls 314;

HTML5 Calendar and Color-Well Controls 316;

Practice with an HTML5 Form.


M5 - Part 6: Media Relativity and Web Publishing Methods and Techniques

Media Relativity:

Plug-ins, Containers, and Codecs 330;

Configure Audio and Video 332;

Flash and the HTML5 Embed Element 334;

HTML5 Audio and Source Elements 336;

HTML5 Video and Source Elements 338;

Practice with HTML5 Video 340;

Embed a YouTube Video 342;

CSS3 Transform Property 344;

CSS Transition Property 346;

Practice with Transitions 348;

HTML5 Canvas Element.


M5 - Part 7: Media Relativity and Web Publishing Methods and Techniques

Web Publishing:

Register a Domain Name 360;

Choose a Web Host 362;

Publish with File Transfer Protocol 364;

Search Engine Submission 366;

Search Engine Optimization 368;

Accessibility Testing 370;

Usability Testing.