By the conclusion of the specified learning and development
activities, delegates will be able to:
Accurately profile managers at different organisational levels;
Activities as a motivation towards effective time-management;
Address key issues in the management of quality.
Adopt an effective follow-up system in the workplace;
Adopt appropriate strategies for dealing with interruptions;
Adopt different approaches in delegating;
Adopt effective delegation techniques;
Analyse education, training and development programmes,
determining their potential effectiveness (fit-for-purposeness);
Analyse how delegation contributes towards effective time
Analyse the concept of leasing in relation to delegating;
Analyse the perception in each role;
Apply effective time management to competitive situations;
Apply the ‘equity’ theory to work situation from a
‘differentiation perspective’, rather than an ‘equality
Apply the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) to time management
Apply the principle of throughput accounting to organisational;
Appreciate the difference between individual stress tolerance
Appreciate the importance of change institutionalisation;
Appreciate the importance of time management;
Appreciate the value of time in an organisational context;
Appropriately define organisational structure;
Ascertain how to work with disorganised colleagues;
Ascertain the concept of delegation;
Ascertain the impact of cost structure changes;
Ascertain the importance of competitor information and strategic
positioning towards the success of an organisation;
Ascertain the importance of considering counterparty risk in
evaluating contracts;
Ascertain the importance of delegating tasks;
Ascertain the importance of equity capital;
Ascertain the information contained in profit and loss account
pertaining to the company;
Ascertain the possible causes and effects of meeting
mismanagement; and
Ascertain the relationship between an incumbent’s experience and
role enactment;
Ascertain the relationship between an incumbent’s role
perception and his or her role performance;
Ascertain their respective goals/objectives;
Assess the impact of information and communications technologies
(ICTs) on the change process;
Assess the likely effect of power distance on the effectiveness
of change communication, taking steps to create a favourable
situation within the internal and external environments;
Be able to determine the different stages of process
Be able to strike a balance between macro organisational
development and micro organisational development;
Be aware of the relationship between organisational structure
and leader and organisational flexibility;
Be familiar with the different components of the profit and loss
Be familiar with the outline of strategic management accounting;
Be familiar with the structure of the cash flow statement;
Be knowledgeable about mean and statistical mean;
Beat work related stress;
Calculate risk in financial exposure;
Calculate statistics from actual data;
Calculate Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) using the
correct formula;
Cite some risk within the financial institutions;
Cite some strategies to manage transaction exposure;
Cite Specific legislation and related cases relevant to
particular job design issues;
Cite the link between culture and managerial action; and
Classify plans;
Conceptualise classical organisational theory and design,
neo-classical, humanistic and contingency organisational design
Conduct a risk assessment;
Conduct a sector analysis;
Conduct an efficient workload analysis;
Conduct an external organisational analysis;
Conduct an internal organisational analysis;
Conduct individual and panel interviews;
Create an effective agenda that will keep the meeting on the
Critically appraise existing motivation strategy within their
organisations, identifying and addressing gaps;
Deal with external organisational accountability;
Deal with information overload;
Decide which items can be delegated;
Defend the use of periodic and exit interviews;
Define Cash flow;
Define derivatives;
Define free cash flows and identify the inclusions thereof;
Define gearing;
Define investment;
Define Liquidity;
Define objectives, generally;
Define planning;
Define profit;
Define role set;
Define role;
Define, describe and analyse the nature of an organisation;
Demonstrate a heightened understanding of how best to support
delegatees in their task performance;
Demonstrate a heightened understanding of role relationships;
Demonstrate an appreciation of important of welfare in the
development of personal management and human resource
Demonstrate an awareness of how personnel demand forecast (PDF)
is conducted;
Demonstrate an awareness of the fundamental issues associated
with Organisational design and their implications for effective
organisational functioning;
Demonstrate an awareness of the fundamental issues associated
with organisational design and their implications for effective
organisational functioning;
Demonstrate an awareness of the importance of the marketing mix
to product or service success;
Demonstrate an awareness of the relationship between
organisational structure and leadership, on the one hand, and
organisational flexibility, on the other;
Demonstrate an exceptional ability in planning organisational
crucial activities;
Demonstrate an understanding of organisational climate and how
it can be gauged;
Demonstrate an understanding of organisational development as a
Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of motives and their
value in organisational and subsystem effectiveness;
Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of motives and their
value in organisational and subsystem effectiveness;
Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of power and how it
might be applied for the benefit of the organisation;
Demonstrate an understanding of the issue of ‘responsibility’
and how it translates in superior-subordinate relationships in
Demonstrate an understanding of the need to develop dealers and
maintain their loyalty;
Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between span of
management/control and effective supervision;
Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between span of
management/control or span of management;
Demonstrate an understanding of the role of national
exhibitions, (expositions) in promoting export trade;
Demonstrate an understanding of the value of Internal Selection
Demonstrate an understanding of why some manufacturers are only
interested in particular life cycle stage;
Demonstrate how popular motivation theories have contributed to
our understanding of worker behaviour;
Demonstrate leadership in the implementation of change, whilst
avoiding whilst avoiding human and organisational casualties.
Demonstrate the ability to organise national delegation and
exhibitors for international exhibitions;
Demonstrate the need for a proactive stance in relation to
organisational change;
Demonstrate the need for a proactive stance to organisational
Demonstrate the need to balance the ‘individualist’ and
‘collectivist’ perspectives in their application to motivation;
Demonstrate the need to balance the ‘individualist’ and
‘collectivist’ perspective to motivation.
Demonstrate the role of international trade in global economy;
Demonstrate their ability manage recruitment and selection
within a ‘resourcing context’.
Demonstrate their ability to conduct a human resource audit;
Demonstrate their ability to conduct a job analysis;
Demonstrate their ability to conduct an internal environmental
Demonstrate their ability to determine the type of commitment
that motivate particular individuals to join an organisation;
Demonstrate their ability to encourage the type of
superior-subordinate relationship that will be conducive to
organisational success;
Demonstrate their ability to formulate a comprehensive
motivation strategy;
Demonstrate their ability to incorporate specified elements of
the quality of working life in the management of their
subsystems and sections;
Demonstrate their ability to lead a recruitment and Selection
Demonstrate their ability to organise and manage national
Demonstrate their ability to translate motivation theory into
Demonstrate their appreciation of the need for a variance in
intrinsic and extrinsic values if motivation;
Demonstrate their awareness of change management and human
resource implications;
Demonstrate their awareness of the inevitability of
organisational change;
Demonstrate their knowledge of vertical and horizontal
relationships and formal communication channels;
Demonstrate their understanding of basic organisational
structures and the implications that these have for collegial,
and superior-subordinate relationships;
Demonstrate their understanding of how effective delegation is
Demonstrate their understanding of the different aspects of the
contingency approaches to leadership.
Demonstrate their understanding of the intricacies that are
involved in the process of leadership;
Demonstrate their understanding of the legal bases of Employee
Demonstrate their understanding of the need to constantly
re-evaluate the superior-subordinate that they encourage;
Demonstrate their understanding organisational structures and
the implications that these have for collegial, and
superior-subordinate relationships;
Demonstrate understanding of distinction between personal
management and human resource management;
Describe and enumerate some single and dual status
Describe asset behaviour and pricing implication;
Describe at least two non-conventional selection methods;
Describe financial risk in the organisational setting;
Describe role as the behavioural expectations of a role set;
Describe self-ideal as a behavioural construct;
Describe the bureaucratic organisations, adhocratic
organisations, mechanistic organisations, organismic
Describe the democratic incumbent, autocratic incumbent, the
generous incumbent, the dedicated incumbent, the social self and
the role of each;
Describe the legal and political risk environment;
Design a personnel selection;
Design an effective induction package;
Design an organisation adhering to the principles of horizontal
and vertical relationship;
Design an organisation adhering to the principles of horizontal
and vertical relationship;
Design job description and personnel specification for
particular roles;
Design measures, which will ensure change institutionalisation;
Design ways of stabilizing staff turnover;
Determine an investor’s reason for investing in a derivative
Determine how corporate strategy leads to effective risk
Determine how cost of debt is measured;
Determine how credit risks are calculated;
Determine how efficient time management increases work
effectiveness and productivity;
Determine how goal setting can lead to proper time management;
Determine how to manage currency risk;
Determine how to provide support even when the task is
overwhelming for the delegate;
Determine key success factors;
Determine organisational success factors;
Determine some exemplifying roles;
Determine the appropriate marketing strategy for particular
stages in the life cycle of a product or service;
Determine the benefits of delegating, thereby encouraging them
to perform delegation whenever necessary;
Determine the benefits of the organisation out of the flexed
Determine the boundary relationship of a role set;
Determine the different parts of the balance sheet;
Determine the factors, which contribute to workers’ resistance
to change;
Determine the importance of is cash flow;
Determine the issues involved in operational plan;
Determine the limitations of CVP analysis;
Determine the marketing strategy that is appropriate for
particular stage of the product life cycle;
Determine the most effective ways of communicating change
decisions to workers;
Determine the place of an incumbent’s perceived role
expectations on his or her role enactment;
Determine the requisites for delegation to avoid any problem
during the process;
Determine the situation in which liquidity risk arises;
Determine the situations when a particular approach might be
Determine the situations, in specific relation to scale, level,
cost, urgency (both proactive and reactive), where a particular
approach might be appropriate;
Determine the type, level and stage of change that might be best
suited to the ‘employment’ of internal or external change
agents, respectively, maintaining an effective working
Determine the underlying concepts of Strategic Planning;
Determine the use of non-financial information together with
financial information;
Determine the uses and purpose of accounting;
Determine when change acceleration is necessary;
Determine when delegation is not proper;
Determine why settlement risk has been historically a particular
problem in the foreign exchange markets;
Develop a personal approach in using your time in the most
productive way;
Develop and maintain a good time management habit;
Develop their personal “To-Do List;”
Develop their personal ABC123 prioritised planning;
Develop useful techniques for setting and achieving goals;
Develop ways to maximise their personal effectiveness;
Develop your own individualised plan of
maximise their use of time;
Devise a strategy that will reduce the negative effects of
‘change acceleration’;
Devise a workable marketing strategy for an organisation;
Devise an effective time management strategy;
Devise an organized and systematic schedule and handle it
Devise methods of reducing stress levels;
Devise their personal planner;
Devise ways to avoiding time crunches;
Differentiate between investment appraisal criteria and
investment decisions;
Differentiate between standing and single-use plan;
Differentiate cash from profit as a measure of performance,
Differentiate managerial control and worker autonomy and
professionalism in mechanistic organisations;
Differentiate operational centralisation and decentralisation;
Differentiate social objectives from business objectives;
Discover how variance analysis helps management understand the
present costs and control future costs;
Discuss about future’s market risk;
Discuss about sensitivity analysis as risk management;
Discuss POSEC Method in relation to time management;
Discuss the co-ordinating mechanism in a simple structure;
Discuss the various components of operations management;
Discuss, with confidence, the implications of particular
organisational structures have for communication and leadership
Discuss, with confidence, the planning hierarchy;
Distinguish a Tall from a Flat Organisational Structure;
Distinguish among internal, upward and downward organisational
Distinguish between a leader and a managerial leader;
Distinguish between change strategies and approaches to change;
Distinguish between different approaches to marketing and their
underlying philosophies;
Distinguish between different organisational structures;
Distinguish between formal and informal organisations;
Distinguish between fundamental types of structure;
Distinguish between informal management and formal management
succession charts;
Distinguish between organismic and mechanistic structures;
Distinguish between strategic and operational change;
Distinguish between strategic planning and operational or
business planning.
Distinguish between the basic types of structure;
Distinguish between the different sets of motivation theories,
notably content, process and reinforcement;
Distinguish between the different types of matrix structures;
Distinguish between the speed of change and ‘change
Distinguish between the underlying concepts of delegation,
Distinguish cash and profit;
Distinguish groupthink from teamthink;
Distinguish the underlying concepts of delegating, empowerment
and decentralization;
Draft a strategic plan for their organisation incorporating
therein the key components.
Draft accounting reports and statements;
Draft an operational or business plan for their organisation.
Elucidate the concerns of managers in delegating;
Employ some tools for effective delegating.
Employ the correct change strategy that will create ‘winners’
even in a ‘most hopeless’ situation;
Enumerate examples of business and non-business organisations;
Enumerate some sources of operating risk;
Enumerate the benefits of effective time management;
Enumerate the different kinds of banking risk and explain each;
Enumerate the different stages in the product life cycle;
Enumerate the different time management tips for managers;
Enumerate the factors influencing effective delegation;
Enumerate the purposes of budgeting;
Enumerate the sources of finance;
Enumerate the types of variances and give the reasons for their
Establish the cost/volume/profit (CVP) relationships;
Establish the link between financial risk and the market
Establish the link between risk and equity market;
Establish the link between role and the internal environment;
Establish the links between the profit and loss account and
balance sheet;
Establish the links between three accounting statements: the
cash flow statement, profit and loss account and balance sheet;
Establish the primary role of technology in risk management;
Establish the relationship between delegation and external
Establish the relationship between planning and organisational
Establish the relationship between power, culture and
organisational structure;
Establish the relationship between self-ideal and a performance
Establish the relationship between strategic accounting systems,
and the balanced scorecard; and
Establish the right environment for successful delegation;
Establish the role of international trade in economic
development, sustainability and growth;
Evaluate the appropriateness of the application of particular
theoretical aspects of motivation to specific situations;
Evaluate the performance of the person with whom the job was
delegated and the result of the completed assignment;
Exemplify Investment in a particular industry;
Exhibit a heightened awareness of the constituents of
organisational development;
Exhibit an understanding of the desirability of a limited
turnover of staff;
Exhibit an understanding of the relationship between leader
behaviour and leadership styles; and
Exhibit an understanding of the winning factors in bilateral
trade agreements.
Exhibit their ability to conduct an external environmental
Exhibit their ability to use aspects of quality of working life
to motivate workers;
Exhibit their knowledge of the situations when delegating is
effectively executed;
Exhibit their knowledge of vertical and horizontal relationships
and formal communication channels;
Explain at least 3 reasons for delegating;
Explain Efficiency and Performance;
Explain facets #1 and 2 of authority;
Explain how managers and subordinates benefit from delegating;
Explain how social objectives lead to profitability gain;
Explain probability and normal distribution;
Explain Profitability;
Explain some accounting language and terminology;
Explain the approaches to organisational design;
the concept of Chi-Squared Distribution;
Explain the concept of accruals and monetary concepts;
Explain the concept of batching technique and its relationship
to time management;
Explain the concept of capital rationing and control of capital
investment projects;
Explain the concept of delegation as internal promotion;
Explain the concept of Eisenhower method;
Explain the concept of informal plan.
Explain the concept of organisational culture;
Explain the concept of segmental expectations;
Explain the degree of decision-making and operational
centralisation or decentralisation that persist in particular
organisational structure and their implications for
organisational effectiveness;
Explain the different classification of culture;
Explain the mechanism whereby the organisational activities can
be co-ordinated;
Explain the motivation and the behavioural aspects of budgeting;
Explain the pickle jar theory;
Explain the relationship between worker autonomy and managerial
Explain the time management matrix;
Explain the underlying principle of financial risk management;
Explain, with examples, The DuPont system.
Exploit the benefits of information and communications
technologies (ICTs) in the planning, communication and
implementation of change, being mindful of their drawbacks;
Explore the bases for ‘division of labour/work’ in organisations
and their relation to organisational effectiveness;
Expound the facet of authority, providing practical examples
Express familiarity with the concept of responsibility,
authority and accountability as it relates to delegation;
Find out how statistical analysis is used as a risk management
Find out how the interest rate derivatives market are managed;
Follow the common trends in the popular motivation theories;
Formulate a comprehensive motivation strategy;
Formulate a workable motivation strategy;
Formulate strategies in handling unexpected job emergencies;
Gain a balance between professional goals and personal time;
Give the bases of divisional organisational structure;
Give the general definition of risk;
Handle e-mails, task and calendar systematically;
Have managed sensitivity training successfully;
Identify an organisational structure from verbal description;
Identify at least three tasks that can, and should, be delegated
in Internal Selection;
Identify horizontal relationships in organisational design;
Identify role segments;
Identify some financial methods of measuring risk;
Identify some organisational tasks and determine how tasks are
Identify the components of cash flow statement;
Identify the concerns of managers in delegating;
Identify the difference between delegating authority and task;
Identify the difference between delegating authority, on the one
hand, and task, on the other;
Identify the different internal and external users;
Identify the different meeting menaces and learn how to deal
with them;
Identify the different planning and operational variances;
Identify the different sources of financial information;
Identify the key elements of published reports and accounts and
explain each;
Identify the possible uncertainty and risk in budgeting and
Identify the role expectations of social support;
Identify the set of complimentary relationship in every role;
Identify the single and mixed products;
Identify the standard costs of a company;
Identify the tasks which can be delegated;
Identify the various contingency factors in planning to prepare
their organisation for any unforeseen or unexpected
Identify their
professional goals and personal time;
Identify time bandits and devise strategies for dealing with
Identify time wasters and adopt strategies for eliminating them;
Identify who are the users of accounting and financial
Illustrate a matrix organisational structure;
Illustrate a simple, functional and divisional organisational
Illustrate communication channels in an organisational chart;
Illustrate how the contingency approach to motivation might be
applied to different situations;
Illustrate lines of authority in an organisational chart;
Illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of each change
Illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy;
Illustrate the advantages and drawbacks of group involvement in
decisions related to change;
Illustrate the channels of economic exposure;
Illustrate the difference between the hard approach to HRM and
Soft approach to HRM.
Illustrate the effect of organisational structure on
communication within an organisation;
Illustrate the models towards understanding risk;
Illustrate the strategic planning process;
Illustrate their ability to design an appropriate organisational
structure that takes account of contingent internal and external
environmental factors;
Illustrate their knowledge of how to determine the skills
required for the delegated task;
Implement change, whilst avoiding human and organisational
Implement techniques for minimising disruptions;
Indicate how to address problems in delegation;
Indicate the effects of risk in the economy;
Indicate the implications of particular life cycle stage for the
success or demise of particular entrants or players;
Indicate the importance of vertical and horizontal relationships
in organisational design;
Indicate the importance of vertical and horizontal relationships
in organisational design;
Indicate the part that training and development play in worker
Indicate the significant aspects in development of human
resource management and personal management;
Indicate when translation exposure occurs;
Know how financial exposure risk are managed;
Know how financial risks are quantified;
Know how most managers apportioned their time;
Know how to properly delegate task;
Know how to refuse unreasonable requests in the proper manner;
Know the budget process, including activity based budgeting;
Know the characteristics of planning.
Know the concept of, and prepare a tactical plan for their
Know the degree of specificity of role in mechanistic
organisations and organismic organisations;
Know the difference between being “busy” and “productive;”
Know the different purposes of planning.
Know the importance of delegation in increasing productivity and
Know the importance of lines of authority and accountability in
organisations towards effective organisation communication;
Know the information contained in the balance sheet pertaining
to the company;
Know the organisation’s accountability to owners or sponsors,
clients, users, or customers, creditors, and sector or industry;
Establish the reason for the existence of foreign currency market;
Know the right period for doing strategic planning.
Know the role actor or incumbent;
Know what determines the extent to which the company is affected
by economic exposure;
Know what type of company is susceptible to transaction
Know when credit risk arises;
Learn about organisational and accounting control systems;
Learn how assert themselves politely and calmly;
Learn how to delegate authority for effective task performance;
Learn how to delegate responsibility with delegated tasks;
Learn how to develop competitive advantage;
Learn how to diffuse the impact of others;
Learn how to handle interruptions constructively;
Learn how to interpret statistical data;
Learn how to maintain their responsibility;
Learn how to manage risk with forward contracts;
Learn how to manage risk with SWAPS;
Learn how to manage their workloads more effectively;
Learn how to perform break-even analysis;
Learn how to predict business failure using the ALTMAN z-score;
Learn how to prioritise using decision matrices;
Learn how to use PESTEL in risk management;
Learn how to utilize their gap times;
Learn the step-by-step process in making effective schedule;
Learn to identify and measure currency risk;
List down some matrix organisational types;
List some structural typologies and describe each;
List the different stages in the product life cycle;
Locate performance related pay, productivity bonuses and other
remuneration inducement within existing motivation theory;
Locate performance related pay, productivity bonuses and other
remuneration inducement within existing motivation theory;
Make use of the different time management tools to increase
their work effectiveness and productivity;
Manage information flow and retrieval process;
Manage latent and manifest resistance to change;
Manage meetings more effectively as a time management device;
Manage projects in a systematic way;
Manage resources more efficiently;
Manage the motivation process, taking account of the differences
in preferences and expectation of workers;
Manage the motivation process, taking account of the differences
in preferences and expectation of workers;
Manage the process of motivation, taking account of socio
cultural and economic differences;
Manage the process of motivation, taking account of socio
cultural and economic differences;
Manage the relationship between the organisation and its
internal and external stakeholders during the different stages
of the change process;
Manage the risk of internal ‘sabotage’;
Manage the strategic role; and
Match the mode, channel and method of communication with the
nature and stage of the change process;
Match the organisational design approach with the level of
development of the organisation;
Match the organisational design approach with the level of
development of the organisation;
Meet tight deadlines with time to spare;
Monitor progress and provide feedback about the delegated
Name at least 3 international trades associations, establishing
their major objectives; and
Name at least 3 international trades associations, establishing
their major objectives; and
Name the different planning tools;
Name the fundamental organisational structures and their
Outline the planning hierarchy in reference to their own
Outline the planning hierarchy in reference to their own
Outline, with examples, Mintzberg’s ‘Bases of Co-ordinating’;
Outline, with examples, Mintzberg’s bases of co-ordinating; and
Outline, with examples, the planning process, as it applies to
different organisational levels;
Outline, with examples, the planning process, as it applies to
different organisational levels;
Perform risk analysis;
Peruse business objectives through business objectives;
Plan to make the best use of the time available through the art
of effective scheduling;
Prepare a cash flow statement for their company;
Prepare a plan incorporating all the necessary requirements;
Prioritise ‘urgent’ and ‘important’ activities;
Propose the desirable level of specialisation that might apply
to particular organisational types and settings;
Propose the desirable level of specialisation that might apply
to particular organisational types and settings;
Provide a working definition of accountability
Provide examples of different bases of divisional structure;
Provide the bases for structural contingencies
Provide the bases for structural contingencies;
Realise the importance of agenda;
Realise the importance of goals;
Realise the value of standard costing as a management tool;
Recognise the variety of causes of procrastination and apply
relevant techniques to overcome them;
Recommend the most appropriate structure for an organisation,
taking contingent factors into account;
Reduce time spent in meetings yet contribute more effectively;
Regard time as an important resource;
Relate specific recruitment, selection, retention and exit
issues to UK and European legislation;
Relate the concept of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs with effective
time management;
Relate the part played by Rowntree in the development of
personal management and human resource management;
Relate the theories of leadership to empirical research;
Select the right person to do the tasks;
Set parameters in delegating a task;
Set realistic goals through SMART method;
Set up a discussion when about task delegation;
Show the vertical relationships in an organisational chart;
Solve problems through the trading game scenario.
Specify and explain the four D’s in time management;
Specify risks that are associated with socio-cultural change;
Specify some qualitative approaches to financial risk
Specify the effects of poor time management;
Specify the implications of particular life cycle stage for the
success or demise of particular entrants or players;
Specify the limitations
of the conventional balance sheet;
Specify the new role for managers and accountants;
Specify the steps for running productive and effective meeting;
Specify what are involved in managing fraud risk;
Suggest at least 3 major contributions that international trades
associations are likely to make to their export efforts;
Suggest how authority might be delegated effectively;
Suggest solutions to some problems in budgeting;
Suggest the approaches which might be adopted in designing an
Suggest the constraints that specific UK Protective Legislation
place on the recruitment, selection and management of employees;
Suggest the efforts, which an organisation might employ to
reduce workers’ resistance to change;
Suggest the efforts, which an organisation might employ to
reduce workers’ resistance to change;
Suggest the strategies for handling descent from delegation;
Suggest ways to improve organisational culture;
Suggest ways to manage multiple tasks;
Synthesize the relationship between internal and external
environmental analyses-SWOT;
Take a viable position in trade openness and productivity
Take steps to create a positive perception of the organisation,
among shareholders, funding agents, clients and customers,
during a strategic change process;
Teach delegation skills to team leaders;
The world trade agreement (WTA) 1994;
Translate motivation theory into practice;
Translate the positive and negative factors of particular types
of structure to the design of an organisation which will enhance
the effectiveness of an enterprise;
Understand how to manage equity risk;
Understand organisational structure as roles and relationships;
Understand the concept of internal selection mechanism;
Understand the concept of multitasking;
Understand the difference between important and urgent
Understand the principle of profit and profitability;
Understand the significance of statistics;
Understand the time value of money;
Understand the underlying concept of the prioritisation grid;
Understand the underlying principles of “time” in an
organisational wide context;
Undertake tests to check the quality of their organisation’s
strategic plan;
Use candidate assessment form in short listing and interviews;
Use effective delegation techniques at the workplace;
Use practical techniques for organising work;
Use some techniques in improving delegating skills;
Use the different strategic planning tools in preparing their
organisation’s strategic plan.
Utilise the sensitivity analysis in decision-making to overcome
risk and uncertainty;
Weight a candidate assessment form, on the basis of job
description and personnel specification.